Saturday, December 29, 2007

Kim K. In St. Louis

Hollywood: "What do you say we go to mi casa and do the loco thing?"
Kim K: (Stops in her tracks, pauses, does a 180 and walks back intrigued)
H: "Yo, can I knock the stuffin' off that Egg McMuffin? You got a phone number?"
Alright, alright, that obviously was a scene out of the movie Boyz N The Hood. But seriously, when hasn't the line "Can I knock the stuffin' off that Egg McMuffin?" not worked? I can't count the times that it's worked for me. Anyway, here's how the conversation really would have gone:
VIP Guy: "Mr. Hollywood, thanks for coming. Please let me introduce you to our host for the evening, the star of E!'s Keeping Up With The Kardashians-- Miss Kim Kardashian!"
Hollywood: "Nice to finally meet you!"
Kim K: : "Nice to meet you! I read Hollywood Nation every day! That was so nice of you to put me on your Top Ten Hottest Women In The World List!"
H: "Aw, you deserved it."
KK: "And I thought it was so sweet when you described my ass as being like two giant Christmas hams trapped in a tight dress. You have such a way with words!"
H (looking down nervously, giggling): "Yeah, uh, well, I do have a minor in journalism... uh, can I knock the stuffin' off that Egg McMuffin? SHIT!"
Well, on second thought, maybe I was better off staying home.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Lindsay's Back!

After a long absence, good old Lindsay Lohan is back in the news with a vengeance. Earlier this week, her ex-boyfriend (the one that she met in rehab) gave the News of the World some salacious details about their relationship (oh yes, she's a bonafide freak). Now it's time for the clown to cash in: he allegedly is shopping around photos of her, some in various stages of undress. Damn, who saw this relationship ending badly? He 1) was scruffy looking, 2) wore Wu-Tang Clan shirts, 3) was a snowboarder and 4) she met him in rehab. Too bad there weren't any warning signs.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Uh, Oh

“Casey is being paid off to be the family’s fall guy while the real father remains unidentified,” Star magazine insists. They say the real reason is that an older man could be charged with statutory rape if revealed to be the father of an under-aged girl’s baby."
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
WWE Tribute To The Troops

Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Adventures of Mimi Live DVD

* * * * *
In 2003, I finally got a chance to see one of my favorite singers, Mariah Carey, live in concert when she played the Fox Theatre here in St. Louis. At the time, she was just getting over the Glitter/"Mariah Carey is absolutely nuts" phase of her career and the sales of her new album were struggling. Since that time, she's had a huge comeback as sales of the follow-up CD, "The Emancipation of Mimi", have gone through the roof and earned numerous awards. Now that she was back on top of the music industry, there was no way in the world that she was stepping in the state of Missouri for her latest concert tour. I checked and the nearest place she would be playing was Chicago. Then I had a bright idea-- don't I have a sister in Chicago that I need to visit? Which of course led us to see...
The Adventures of Mimi Tour
Mariah Carey
The Voice, The Hits, The Tour
United Center
Chicago, Illinois
Monday, September 11th, 2006
- We arrived at the United Center around 8. People were still filing in. The crowd was almost as diverse as an American Idol show. It was mostly 20 to 40 year olds and there were was an almost even mixture of blacks, whites, and Latinos. And you know the hoochies were out in force. Tell me this: what in the world makes a broad come out in public wearing a short white fur coat with booty shorts?
- The opening act was dancehall artist Sean Paul, best known for his hits "Temperature" and "Get Busy", which was once used in a hideous Hardee's commercial where a guy was dancing with a cow. The audience was really into him and he kept them hyped for his whole set.
- After Sean Paul finished, there was about a half hour to change the stage and suddenly the place went dark. The screens showed point-of-view footage of a roller coaster going around on a track. Mariah's voice narrated over the film: "Sometimes life can kinda be like a roller coaster ride...." Aw, here we go! Painful. Can we just cut through the B.S. and get to some short skirts and "Vision of Love"?
- Luckily, soon afterwards the opening strains of "It's Like That" began and Mariah herself emerged from the top of the stage. The crowd went wild. And folks, she came up to the mound throwing some serious heat. She was wearing a black bikini top and shorts that covered approximately 1/4 of her behind. It was the kind of stuff that makes a brother want to jump up and start singing "Creepin" by Luther Vandross. Unfortunately, she also had on this sheer cape thing that never allowed anyone to really get a solid look to see what was going on back there. I had been worried since a few weeks ago when the Crunk and Disorderly blog had posted a picture of her from earlier in the tour with the caption: "Mariah, would you like some syrup to go with that pancake ass?" That even hurt my feelings. Anyway, from the little I could see, things weren't totally flat yet.
- Back to the show, the second song of the evening was "Heartbreaker", which featured our first special guest of the evening, Chicago's very own Da Brat. This was followed by "Dreamlover", "My All" and "Shake It Off" (for which they brought down the giant lighted "MIMI" sign like in the video!). The funniest part was when she started singing over the beat for Biggy Smalls' "Juicy" and this Latino lady in front of us jumped out of her seat and went completely crazy.
- During the first of about three breaks that she took, DJ Clue rocked the crowd by playing bits of such hits as "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" by Michael Jackson, "I Got Five On It" by The Luniz and the more recent "Shoulder Lean" by Young Dro and T.I. The crowd was mega-hyped for this. It was one of the highlights of the night.
- Next was the power ballad portion of the evening. Mariah returned to the stage wearing what was probably at one time an elegant yellow ball gown-- until she took the Hoochie Scissors to it. She reeled off three huge ballads in succession: "Vision of Love", "Fly Like A Bird", and the Jackson 5 remake of "I'll Be There". She hit all of the high notes and did all of the vocal gymnastics that have become her trademark. The crowd absolutely ate it up and she got a couple of standing ovations. She was joined on "I'll Be There" by her backup singer Trey Lorenz. This segment was probably the best of the night. After that, she left the stage to take another break. Trey took over and sang two Luther Vandross songs and his version of "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley. To his credit, he was able to hold the crowd's attention, which wasn't an easy feat, especially considering that he wasn't even wearing a bikini top and a cape.
- Part Three. The lights went out and psychedelic imagery showed on the screens. After about a minute or so the words "Keepin' it real, son" filled the arena and the face of the late Old Dirty Bastard a.k.a. The Osirus a.k.a. Big Baby Jesus appeared on the screen. It was the start of one Mariah's biggest hits, "Fantasy". The lights came back on and Mariah was now on a small square disco-type stage that was in the center of the arena floor. We wondered how she had magically appeared there. Incidentally, she was wearing some tight ass capri pants. The crowd loved the song and even though it is about ten years old, we sang to every word of ODB's rap in the song, including one of the best lines in rap history "me and Mariah go back like babies and pacifiers".
- She took a break from singing to address the crowd. She informed us that she "wears the tightest pants in the world" and that this was the last night for it. Aw, I bet she says that to all the cities. If this was indeed the last night however, I would like to offer a giant thank you.
- Also during this set, Da Brat joined her once again during "Always Be My Baby". Mariah left the square disco stage and walked through the crowd (with security in tow) and went back to the main stage. In the official Adventures of Mimi tour program it says, uh, I mean, I'm told it says "Why wouldn't I walk thru the audience? (Well, a friendly game of grabass immediately comes to mind). Hello! We're all just human beings having an experience together". I wonder if she really believes any of this stuff in the tour program? Surely someone else wrote it and she just laughed and signed off on it. Anyway, she performed my favorite Mimi song "Honey", so I was happy.
- Costume change time. More DJ Clue. A little bit of Ray Charles' "I Got A Woman" segued into Kanye West's "Golddigger". The crowd was as hyped as ever.
- With the capris returned safely to the hoochie side of the closet, presumably to never be seen again, Mariah emerged back on stage in another elegant dress, which could only mean one thing: more ballads. Since this show took place on 9/11, the 5th anniversary of the WTC bombings, she dedicated this portion to the victims and families. She addressed the crowd and said that she would like to express her "grievances" to the families. Uuuuuh, we know she meant. She knocked out "One Sweet Day" and "Hero". After a mini fake encore ceremony, she came back and sang "We Belong Together". Good night. Drive home safely. House lights. Parking lot.
- Verdict: Hot show, nice outfits, excellent singing. I think even my sister enjoyed it. If you only see one Mariah Carey concert this year, make sure it's The Adventures of Mimi Tour.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Survivor Lunch Lady Scandal

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Oh Hells No!

"I saw her sister, who really needs her ass kicked,
Only thirteen and already pregnant"--
Ice Cube from "Once Upon A Time In the Projects"
Well, at least she's sixteen. More trouble in the Spears family; unfortunately this doesn't involved shears or showing up fat for the MTV Awards. Britney's sixteen year old sister is pregnant. Even worse, the father is her 19 year old live-in boyfriend. What kind of parents are these? I don't care if she does have a TV show; why are her parents letting her live with her boyfriend? I bet they were the only ones shocked at this result too. Her parents should be dragged to the middle of the town square of their little village in Louisiana and whupped unmercifly by the locals. Yes, "whupped" with a "u". In addition to having to prepare her child for a lifetime of "you were a mistake" jokes, I would imagine that Jamie is also going to lose her job on the Nickelodeon show. These are business people. They can't have this tramp on the airwaves while they're trying to hock Dora the Explorer popcicles-- it ain't gonna work. Britney is going to be furious that the trainwreck crown has been temporarily stolen.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
On Top of the World
Monday, December 17, 2007
Survivor: China Finale

At least now that the season has ended, Ashley Massaro can finally return to WWE. Since she left, her character has missed: the owner of the company blowing up, the owner of the company returning with the no explanation, the death of the company's greatest in-ring worker, the mysterious disappearance of her arch rival Kristal, the heart attack of the GM, and a new GM being named. That poor girl is going to be so confused.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Britney Update

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
WWE Raw 15th Anniversary Show

WWE celebrated the 15th Anniversary of its flagship show, Monday Night Raw, on Monday with a fun three hour show that saw cameos from stars that haven't been around in awhile like Steve Austin, Mick Foley, Sunny, Marty Jannetty, Ted DiBiase, Dusty Rhodes and many others. Even though some of it was predictable (Bruce Mitchell of the Pro Wrestling Torch called it that Vince would name himself the greatest superstar of Raw then get beat up by everyone) it was still a good show. The effort paid off because they had their highest ratings since March. My favorite moments included:
- The return of Rob Van Dam!
- Seeing Sunny back on the national stage
- Realizing that Hornswoggle can't talk (I guess because he's short)
- The Godfather
- Molly!
- The battle royal with some of the older stars
- Edge coming out to reform Rated RKO
- Hogan coming out to kiss ass and pose with Hornswoggle
- Vince saying "I hate you"
- The clips of the old days
- The beer bash at the end
Great show, back to the same old crap next week.
Monday, December 10, 2007

Happy Anniversary!
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Finally, PETA Does Something Worthwhile
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
JLH Is Ticked

"I've sat by in silence for a long time now about the way women's bodies are constantly scrutinized. To set the record straight, I'm not upset for me, but for all of the girls out there that are struggling with their body image. A size 2 is not fat! Nor will it ever be. And being a size 0 doesn't make you beautiful.
What I should be doing is celebrating some of the best days of my life and my engagement to the man of my dreams, instead of having to deal with photographers taking invasive pictures from bad angles. I know what I look like, and so do my friends and family. And like all women out there should, I love my body.
To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, put on a bikini -- put it on and stay strong."
Bless her little heart. Don't feel bad, Jennifer. A lot of people love a giant, unruly ass. After all, they're still letting Jennifer Lopez make movies. You're just what we call "thick" now; be proud of it and move on. I'm just still hoping for the cancellation of Ghost Whisperer so that you can fulfill your destiny and appear in Penthouse-- hopefully soon, before you get married and blow up completely.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Turning Point Results

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Must See TV

" ...it looks like Berkley will serve as host for the Bravo reality competition series "Step It Up and Dance." Formerly titled "Step It Up," the series will challenge contestants to master a diverse assortment of dance disciplines (not to be confused with "styles") including ballet, ballroom, burlesque and Broadway."
Why Berkley? Who cares, I'm just happy she's back in the spotlight. In addition, she also just received a recurring role on CSI:Miami. I couldn't be any happier. Actually if someone would come up with a good script for "Showgirls 2: Nomi's Revenge", I would be happier.
Britney, Here is Your Future
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wrestling Stuff

"After several love songs, the mood elevated with the Latin beat of "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing." In the audience, wrestler Ric Flair could be seen dancing to "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours," even busting out into his signature in-ring dance at one point."
Wow, the two greatest entertainers ever in the same place, at the same time. Mentally, I don't know if I could have handled seeing this live. It would have been too overwhelming. Also, will somebody please contact WWE and ABC to get Flair on Dancing with the Stars? He would go all the way.

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Britney Update

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Dancing with the Stars Results

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Dancing With The Stars

Hogan Divorce/Flair Return

Monday, November 26, 2007
Jay Mohr on The Jim Rome Show

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Oprah's Favorite Things

Dancing with the Stars Results

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Dancing with the Stars

Did You Break The Code?

Monday, November 19, 2007
Random Thoughts on the American Music Awards
Oh yes, it's time for the American Music Awards again. Fergie started the show off with a medley of about five of the most annoying songs of the year. Thank God for tight, sparkly dresses. Will I. Am performed as well, followed by the girl from the Pussycat Dolls who went solo. The sparkly dress did not save her performance because it was not tight.
Jimmy Kimmel was the host for the night and made the first writer's strike joke of the evening. Apparently all of his material was ad-libbed. He invited Jordin Sparks and Kellie Pickler of American Idol onstage to do the Soulja Boy dance. It was kind of funny.
Carrie Underwood presented the first award of the night, which went to Daughtry for the Breakthrough Artist of the Year. This thing is slowly starting to look like an American Idol reunion show.
Avril... Rascal Flatts... Maroon 5, moving on...
Jordin Sparks brought out the Jonas Brothers (?). A bunch of girls rushed the staged. Alas, this fell victim to the fast forward button.
...until, Jimmy Kimmel referenced that one of them fell down. I went back to watch and indeed one of the group members fell down upon hitting the stage. I was pressed for time and still watched this three times.
Best soundtrack went to High School Musical. Some of the cast members came out to accept. I recognized one of them from Dancing with the Stars and one of them for being naked on every gossip site on the internet.
In a strange match-up, country group Sugarland performed the song "Irreplaceable" with Beyonce. This was weird but good. I can't get "you must not know 'bout me" in that country twang out of my head.
Daughtry and Carrie Underwood were winning just about every other award. Idol is running away with this thing.
Celine Dion performed. Fast forward. You know I don't get down like that. Lenny Kravitz also did a new song that will be played to death over the course of the next year.
A commercial aired with Barry Manilow in it, giving me the chance to make my yearly "Barry Manilow looks like Barbara Walters" joke.
In the bad timing department, an old clip of Eddie Murphy aired right before Scary Spice hit the stage along with Kelly Taylor and the race car driver from Dancing with the Stars. They introduced Chris Brown. He danced. I had to fast forward-- hey, I also need to fit in hours of Survivor Series analysis tonight as well.
"Hannah Montana" made an appearance. I accidentally saw about ten minutes of her show a few weeks ago. It was as dreadful as I had predicted. Carrie Underwood won for something and Daughtry won the very next award.
Next was the best performace of the night from Alicia Keys. She did her new song then she brought out mid-90's reggae stars Chaka Demus and Pliers and Beenie Man. It was surreal. What, were Patra and Shabba Ranks not available? Alicia even did some choreographed dance moves. This was phenominal.
Duran Duran did their new song, blah, blah, blah, then went into "HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF". Now this is what the people wanted to hear! Stick to the classics, fellas!
Carrie Underwood won for best country album. She said "if anyone had ever told me that I would have been presented an award by Slash and Scott Weiland, I would have never believed it". The camera cut to them and they looked like they would have rather been in Iceland.
Beyonce won an image award. We should all strive to be more like her.
MJB did her new song (see: Duran Duran), Latifah sang (does she even rap anymore?), Daughtery performed last, then Fergie won the last award for best rock female to end the show and that was that. Not bad a bad show but I was thankful that I watched it on tape delay.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Pix From Lori Light's Going Away Party
Friday, November 16, 2007

Lindsay In Jail