Yesterday was the annual episode of one of the finest hours of TV each year, Oprah's Favorite Things, where Oprah gives the entire audience things that she just can't live without. There's nothing like seeing an audience full of women going absolutely batshit crazy as Oprah brings out some sixty dollar cupcakes. She also gave out watches, a Scrabble game, cookware, a Josh Grobin CD, and an $800 movie box set among other things. The big item this year was a $3000 fridge with a TV set in it (like the one above). As Oprah explained that it also had a DVD hook-up, they cut to a lady who had an expression on her face like her life was now complete because she now had the ability to watch Norbit while reaching for leftovers.
Sometimes I wonder, if Hollywood Nation had a TV show, what would I give away on my Favorite Things episode? I'm sure the list would include the following: a box of Lemonheads, Ice Cube's "Amerikkka's Most Wanted" CD, the Mariah Carey Vote or Die poster, Chris Jericho's "Around the World In Spandex" book, a Tully Blanchard Classic Superstars action figure, bacon, and the American Pimp DVD.
This is awesome!
Keep up the good work...I am hooked!
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