The Hogan divorce continues to make news. And as usual with Hulk Hogan, you don't know what to believe. According to a report at tmz.com, Linda did file for divorce but says she wants a reconciliation. Yeah. Other reports claim that the couple has been seperated for some time. According to documents, she is asking for a share of their houses, alimony, child support for their maniac son, court costs, and most of the NWO money. In other words, HALF. You just know this is going to end up being some wrestling angle where she turns heel and comes out with "Macho Man" Randy Savage to set up a grudge match feud with Hulk on pay-per-view.

In happier wrestling news, Ric Flair did indeed return last night to the flagship, Monday Night Raw. They began the angle that will allegedly lead to his real-life retirement, where he will have to retire after the next match that he loses. He had a good main event match and pinned Hazelwood's own Randy Orton with the Greco-Roman low blow (above). If done correctly, this should be a good storyline leading up until next year's biggest show, WrestleMania, in March. I'll bet good money that they will botch this somehow, because it's too good to be true.
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