Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's Official: This Bitch Is Nuts

I prayed that this was Photoshopped. Unfortunately I saw this story confirmed on and KABC-TV's website: Britney Spears is now bald. And even worse, apparently she did this on her own and not as part of a hair vs. hair match on WWE wrestling. This actually scares me. I hope someone is just playing an elaborate joke and is sitting inside my computer posting images of a bald Britney Spears on different sites. It's gotta be that. It can't be that I'm drunk, because I haven't had alcohol since I was two. This latest development is so bad that I'm going into rehab. This is so sad. I need to go make some red Kool-Aid. I tell you what-- this is the last time I get up in the middle of the night and click on!

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