Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How is that Career Rebound Coming?

skank [skangk] n.
1. Disgusting or vulgar matter; filth.
2. One who is disgustingly foul or filthy and often considered sexually promiscuous. Used especially of a woman or girl.

The girl in the middle used to be Britney Spears. What a week. Not only was she outed in In Touch magazine (allegedly) but now this from the New York Daily News:

"In the wee hours of Sunday morning, paparazzi caught Spears emerging from her limo with a jacket over her head, stains on her jeans - and a puddle of puke in the back seat after she spent the evening hanging out in Manhattan's Club Tenjune.

A source told the Daily News she drank shots from a bottle of tequila and ended up naked in the dancers' dressing room, trying on their bikini costumes.

"She was in high spirits," says the source. "[Spears] arrived in a little red dress, but she admired the fishnet [stockings] the dancers were wearing. She went downstairs and tried them on, but didn't like the way they looked with her dress.

"So she took off her dress and started putting on bikinis that the dancers wear," he adds. "She stripped all of her clothes off and was totally naked in the dancers' room. She came out and got a T-shirt off of one of the waiters and danced like that till around 4 a.m."

Get out of the clubs and take care of your kids, woman! Who is taking care of the kids? Her Mom? The maid? Lindsay? Wolves? This broad makes Federline look like Ward Cleaver.

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