Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Thoughts On The Idol Finale

Yeah, I broke down and watched just a bit. There wasn't much to the show. As a singing contest, it was pretty much one sided. If you like good singing, vote Jordin. If you like spikey hair, imitation beatboxing and shitty tattoos, by all means, vote for Blake. Other notes: It looked like Paula had aged twenty years since last week. She looked like hell and was as irritating as ever... As I've mentioned before, you can tell when a brother has lost it when he starts breaking out the Admiral jackets. Randy looked ridiculous. As my Dad put it: "Someone should just whup him"... It seemed like Simon was trying to subtly sway the audience to vote for Jordin... The show would have been a whole lot better with Melinda vs. Lakisha... I would have chosen Sanjaya's silly ass over Blake.

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