Thursday, May 3, 2007

Idol/Dancing Results

On Idol, I knew Chris was going home, but I was a little surprised that Creepy Phil left too-- I thought it was going be Lakisha based on her botched Carrie Underwood song from last week. Phil genuinely looked like he was just happy to have survived that long. He went out with a good performance too. That leaves us with Beatbox Boy and the cast of Dreamgirls. So we finally learned the secret to how BB comes up with all of those arranagements-- he has some advanced computer equipment. Well who couldn't do that? If I had an 808 and an SP12 back in 1990, I could have made The Chronic. The funniest moment of the show was when it looked like Simon was going to throw a hissy fit when he thought that Ryan said that Paula was better looking than his girlfriend.

Also on Dancing with the Stars this week, Cliff from Cheers got cut, which wasn't so bad except that has foxy dancing partner Edyta (pictured up top and above) is leaving with him. This leaves Muhammed Ali's daughter and hoping to see the cast of 90210 with Steve Sanders again as the only reasons to watch the rest of the season.

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