Monday, July 30, 2007
Why On Earth...?

Sunday, July 29, 2007
When In Doubt...

In related poetic justice, her new movie "I Know Who Killed Me" reportedly made $3.4 million this weekend, a bonafide flop. Damn, even WWE movies make more than that! She got straight up clowned. See ya in the clearance bin, beeyotch!
Weekend Notes

- Why can't I stop laughing at the picture above?
- Britney continues her fall. She fired her latest assistant (who had been there for all of two weeks) . At the infamous OK! Magazine shoot, Britney used the bathroom often (with the door open), ate fried chicken and wiped her hands on expensive designer clothes, let her dog take a dump on some clothes, then stole $16,000 thousand dollars worth of clothes at the end of the shoot. All of this was blamed on the assistant. It's terrifying that this woman is also a parent. Man, is she making Federline look good or what? All he ever did was put out a bad rap album!
- Nicole Richie got sentenced to a whopping four days in jail for a DUI in December. See, the system does work. They've handed out tougher sentences on the Judge Joe Brown show.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
You've Got Mail

"I got a letter from the government the other day..."-- "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos" by Public Enemy (1988)
Among a number of bills, subscription renewal cards and coupon offers, the WWE offices got another letter in the mail on Friday. According to espn.com:
"In a move that significantly widens the impact of
wrestler Chris Benoit's murder-suicide case, two congressmen who opened steroid
hearings into Major League Baseball have requested that World Wrestling
Entertainment provide records pertaining to the WWE's testing policies and
In a three-page letter dated Friday,
Rep. Henry Waxman, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, and Tom Davis, its ranking minority member, asked WWE to
provide a series of documents intended to give the committee and its
investigation a detailed look at WWE's drug-testing policy, including
information about the results of performance-enhancing drug tests on pro
I smell a hearing. The mood is about to change.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Bad Times

Wednesday, July 25, 2007
More Trouble
In addition, she was reportedly trying to sell photos to tmz.com for $30,000. Apparently an advisor is keeping her money away from her (good move) so she was trying to raise some money (I wonder for what?). Your girl is a straight up fiend. It wouldn't surprise me if next week she was caught trying to sell a VCR to someone at 2AM for ten bucks. And with all of this going on, I'm sure her new movie is going to do well this weekend. The movie company must be thrilled.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Say It Ain't So, Fire!
The Crazy Train Rolls On

And What Have We Here?

It's the one and only Firecrotch back in top form this past weekend at the beach. The alcohol monitoring ankle bracelet that no one is actually monitoring is high comedy. She is scheduled to be on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno later tonight. She should wear this outfit just to make it more interesting. I'll try to catch it if I can stay awake that late.
Miss K

- If you will kindly take your eyes off of Miss Kardashian's rack and take a look at the wall behind her, you will see that she is at an event hosted by the Nicole Brown Foundation.
- According to some conspiracy theories, Nicole Brown was killed by O.J. Simpson.
- Kim Kardashian's father Robert was a lawyer on O.J. Simpson's "Dream Team".
- Thus, this is wrong on so many levels.
- And yet, for some reason(s), I still give her a pass.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Will You Rock My World?

The only problem that I have with the show is that I can't tell most of these yamps apart. I can distinguish about four girls: Erin (the one with the biggest boobs), the black girl, the personal trainer lady, and the hideous one with the tattoos. The rest are pretty much interchangeable. Still, they are hanging in there with their Flavor of Love counterparts for pure entertainment and trashiness. And really, that's all that matters.
On The Set With Britney
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Hogan Knows Best Season Premiere

The kids were barely in this episode; it was mostly Hogan, his wife, and her enormous rack, which started to look like two Ball Park Franks from those old TV commercials. They went to see a marriage counselor, then they decided to have a "Wish Day" where one would grant the other three wishes with no argument. On Hulk's day, he chose for his wife to shave his back. I wish I were making this up. Then some more foolishness happened, blah blah blah, and it ended up with Hogan reading a poem and some tears were shed. I can't believe that I once cheered for this man to beat Randy Savage. My love/hate relationship with Hogan continues.....
Oh My Damn!

Friday, July 20, 2007
Publishing News

Britney's Day At The Beach

John Kronus of the Eliminators Found Dead
"John Kronus (right), best known as half of The Eliminators tag team from Extreme Championship Wrestling (now owned by WWE), was found dead in his girlfriend's apartment late yesterday. A source tells TMZ that New Hampshire officials are treating this as a "suspicious death," and an autopsy has been ordered."
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Uh Oh...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Results Are Back

Here are three key points that keep sticking out in my mind:
1) As Wade Keller of the Pro Wrestling Torch said in one of his updates, WWE's main focus seems to be distancing the Benoit situation from steroids. They do it so much that it's almost to the point that it comes off like they are the lawyer for steroids.
2) As stated in last week's Wrestling Observer, when is WWE going to come out and say that they don't want steroids in their company and they welcome and embrace any kind of regulation that can help them get rid of the drugs and curtail the tragedies? Don't hold your breath for that one.
3) I don't understand the WWE wrestlers who attack guys like Mero and the wrestling journalists for "hating wrestling" and such nonsense. Hey, I like wrestling as much as anyone. But you would have to be an absolute fool not to see that there is a problem. Obviously, self-regulation is not working; it's time for Plan B. The death rate among the wrestlers that I grew up watching when I was a teenager is staggering. It's way past time to make the needed changes to stop these folks from dropping like flies. And since WWE takes up 95% of the industry, why not start there?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Going Back To Khali

Khali's victory came about because Edge had to vacate the title after suffering a torn pec during his brawl with Kane on last week's Smackdown. He will be out for an undisclosed amount of time. The staff of Hollywood Nation wishes him a speedy recovery.
She's Back

Posh's Reality Special

Monday, July 16, 2007
Results from TNA's Victory Road 2007

VH-1 Does It Again

Just as VH-1 wrapped up its seasons of Celebrity Fit Club and Flavor of Love: Charm School, they didn't miss a step as they not only brought back the phenominal World Series of Pop Culture, but also debuted two new shows on Sunday night-- Scott Baio Is 45 and Single, along with Rock of Love, the latest Flavor of Love spin-off.
Scott Baio is 45 and Single focuses on 70s & 80s TV icon Scott Baio. I didn't care for him as Chachi in Happy Days, but I loved Charles In Charge. I thought him and Lembeck were great. Anyway, this show focuses on Charles' attempt to find a meaningful relationship. He gets a life coach who makes him stop seeing his girlfriend for two months. Then he has to track down old girlfriends to see why they broke up. We also get to see contrived scenes of him hanging out with the lamest posse of all-time, which consists of two goofs that he grew up with and the older brother from the Wonder Years, who I've always hated since he dated my favorite wrestling diva Missy Hyatt in the early 90's. He also serves as co-executive producer of the show. For the record, the other executive producer is Eric Bischoff, who was previously best known for running World Championship Wrestling-- into the ground. Which doesn't bode well for this series. Actually the show was kind of funny in some spots and does offer some nostalgia, such as seeing Joanie from Happy Days at an autograph signing. Next week we get to see Mike's girlfriend from Growing Pains. I don't think Pam Anderson will agree to a cameo. Regardless, I think I'm on board for the duration.
This was followed by the highly anticipated Rock of Love, basically the white version of Flavor of Love, starring Poison frontman Bret Michaels. It was everything that I expected and more. They took 25 broads straight out of an 80's rock video and put them in a house with Michaels so that he could find his "true love". Yeah, right. In a hilarious moment, the bodyguard cut five ladies right away before they even entered the house. Well, he actually only cut four because one of them wouldn't take "no" for an answer and humiliated herself by begging to come back (even offering to sleep on the floor). S he later embarrassed herself even further by being the first one drunk and hitting the stripper pole. The rest of the show was filled with drinking, picture taking, boob job comparisons, one-on-ones (where Michaels found out that most of the girls were ditzy) and such quotes as "being a slut is soooooo last year". At the elimination ceremony, instead of clocks, he gave out backstage passes. He even kept the drunk reject girl (probably because she will cause the most drama). The Flavor of Love franchise continues to roll on...
Friday, July 13, 2007
A Brooke Hogan Sighting

July 13th, Ocean County Mall in Tom's River, NJ.
July 21st, Emerald Square Mall in N. Attleborough, MA
July 27th, Montgomery Mall in North Wales, PA.
August 10th, Town Center at Cobb in Atlanta, GA
August 19th, Orland Square Mall in Orland Park, Il.
August 25th, Northgate Mall in Seattle, WA.
August 26th, Tacoma Mall in Tacoma, WA.
September 2nd, Laguna Hills Mall in Laguna Hills, CA.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
In Case You Were Wondering...

Whatever You Do, Don't Look Down

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Word Life

“I’m just glad Larry King was professional enough to have people that are actually involved in the WWE on his program"-- John Cena on Monday, taking a shot at the cable news shows covering the Chris Benoit situation. In actuality WWE (except for their lawyer) has refused all media requests since June 28th.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
We Don't Need No Water.....

Bikini Update

Then below is a shot of Mimi on a boat. Just because.

Monday, July 9, 2007
The Reviews Are In.....

"Mariah Carey just finished filming "Tennessee," her follow-up to the execrable "Glitter," and co-wrote a song with Willie Nelson for the soundtrack. Word from the set is she's "really, really good" in it - "It might be the cinema equivalent to the Red Sox winning the World Series" we're told."
Charm School Reunion
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
Britney Apologizes

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Go Shawty, It's Your Birthday

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Trouble Already?

- SCARY is winding up all the others up with her weird behaviour and lousy time-keeping;
- GINGER is trying to turn the reunion into a one-woman show;
- BABY is being accused by the others of not supporting them; and
- SPORTY wants to be by herself before interviews.
Monday, July 2, 2007
And The Winner Is...

Throughout the show they kept previewing VH-1's upcoming shows including the new season of Hogan Knows Best, which will be built around the Hogan's fake divorce talk. Probably the wrong week to show clips of a big pumped up wrestler arguing with his wife. I hope this season will address daughter Brooke's obsession with trying to get the ridiculous look below over as some sort of fashion trend. This is like the the third time she has been photographed in this travesty. Wait, is that the Mom or the daughter?