Monday, July 23, 2007

Will You Rock My World?

Rock of Love: Week Two. The verdict? Phenominal. This week's show centered around Erin (above) and the efforts of the rest of the girls to get her booted from the house. She may or may not have a fiance back home; she denied it, but she probably does. At the very least, we know she has a brass pole waiting back home. The rest of the girls were cracking on her oversized implants and couldn't wait to get her ousted. Jealousy! Erin got a good crack on one of the girls by saying the girl was good looking-- in the meth world. Nice! This show takes me back to the 80's and high school. In fact, one of the girls even declared that her and her friends were the varsity group and the other girls were the j.v. squad.

The only problem that I have with the show is that I can't tell most of these yamps apart. I can distinguish about four girls: Erin (the one with the biggest boobs), the black girl, the personal trainer lady, and the hideous one with the tattoos. The rest are pretty much interchangeable. Still, they are hanging in there with their Flavor of Love counterparts for pure entertainment and trashiness. And really, that's all that matters.

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