Saturday, May 24, 2008

TNA Impact

I saw (most of) TNA Impact on Thursday and thought it was a solid show. They had a strong angle at the end with Kurt Angle, Booker, T and Team 3D giving A.J. Styles a beating. One of the best things about the angle was that it established good guys and bad guys which they must do if they are going to succeed. Too often fans don't know who to cheer for; if that element is missing then people don't get emotionally involved and if people aren't emotionally involved they won't put up that scrilla. Other good elements of the show were Awesome Kong's new fan challenge, the return of Booker T's English accent, and the Beautiful People vs. Roxxi feud. If you aren't watching UFC tonight (I'm rooting for Tito Ortiz) then check out the replay at 10PM CST on Spike TV. And at the very least, watch it to see Christy Hemme (above). Holy smokes.

(Photo from

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