Wednesday, May 7, 2008

American Idol

We're down to four and it was Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Week. First let's get it out of the way-- Jason was atrocious. It could not be more blatant that he needs to be sent packing this week. That cover of "I Shot The Sheriff" was not just bad, it was almost insulting. That performance belonged in the early rounds alongside the Asian guy in the fur coat singing "I Am Your Brother". His second song wasn't any better. Why would he choose Bob Dylan? Bob Dylan can't even sing Bob Dylan songs! Just awful. David Archuletta is technical proficient, but to me he lacks any soul and passion with his songs. He has never sang anything that I would want to hear again, let alone go out and actually purchase. David Cook has cooled off in recent weeks. His performance of "Hungry Like The Wolf" only made you want to hear the original. Once again, I thought Syesha was ahead of the pack. We'll see if the votes bear that out tonight (or if I will be watching Beauty and The Geek next week).

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