Monday, July 2, 2007

And The Winner Is...

Wow! The season finale of Charm School wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. Instead of the yelling, name-calling and backstabbing that we have come to know and love, we got tears, compasion, redemption, and forgiveness. In the end, Saaphyri (above, who once prayed to the Lord that she wouldn't have to beat someone's ass) had reformed the most and beat out Leilene The Stripper to win the $50,000. The show was a bit dissappointing without all of the cattiness, but rest assured, it will be back in full force for the reunion show next week, which I wouldn't miss for anything.

Throughout the show they kept previewing VH-1's upcoming shows including the new season of Hogan Knows Best, which will be built around the Hogan's fake divorce talk. Probably the wrong week to show clips of a big pumped up wrestler arguing with his wife. I hope this season will address daughter Brooke's obsession with trying to get the ridiculous look below over as some sort of fashion trend. This is like the the third time she has been photographed in this travesty. Wait, is that the Mom or the daughter?
I also saw the extended preview for Rock of Love, the latest Flavor of Love spin-off. Just phenominal. It would take an army to keep me away from watching this show. It looks like we are in for a season of skank-a-licious fun. Ten dollars says that the sassy black girl gets voted off first.

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