Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Paris on Larry King Live

I am trying to watch this Paris Hilton interview on Larry King Live but it's torture. I don't know what's worse: Paris trying to string a complete sentence together or Larry's purple shirt. Her face has a weird look tonight. After the part where she tried to explain to Larry what bologna was, I couldn't take anymore and I had to turn to Sanford and Son. But it was the stupid episode where Fred pretends to have whiplash so I crawled back to the Paris interview. She said that she had to wear the classic orange jumpsuit in prison, which I would have paid cash money to see. Then the big moment: Larry asked her what "severe medical issue" she had that caused her to be sent back home for that one day. She said it was........ (wait for it)........ claustrophobia. Damn, I picked "crabs" in the office pool. This is pointless. I'm going back to Sanford.

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