Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Oh hells no! Two of my favorites quit before last night's TNA Impact tapings. Konnan and Ron "The Truth" Killings walked out on the promotion. According to "Konnan was upset at TNA for what he felt wasn't ample support for his health problems. Ron Killings, who is friends with Konnan, was also unhappy with his pay and status with the company. Both quit before tonight's TV tapings. "

I hope that eventually things can be worked out and that they return because Killings had a ton of potential and Konnan is in the top five talkers in the business. Both are headed to AAA in Mexico. Due to political reasons, I can't see either of them showing up in WWE. By the way, also at the tapings last night, LAX beat Sabin and Shelley (so maybe they aren't going to be jobbed out) and Samoa Joe won the X Division title (glad to see him back there because that's where he shined the most).

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