Friday, June 1, 2007

Is This Still On?

I received word from my good friend Mrs. Johnson that The Simple Life, the reality show starring Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, was still on the air on the E! Network. As fate would have it, a repeat of the season premiere was on as I was flipping channels yestereday, so I stopped and watched. This season deals with the girls becoming camp counselors. The show started with a recap of last season, when the girls still hated each other, thus participated seperately. Apparently at the end of the season, they were tricked (what mastermind was able to get one over on those two geniuses?) and ended up in the same place. They still couldn't get along though.

Cut to this season. Paris was informed by her mother that it was Nicole's birthday and suggested that Paris give her a call. They cut to Nicole gossiping with some other broad and answering Paris' call ("is this really you?"). Paris wished Nicole a happy birthday and said that she missed her and wanted her back in her life. Oh, man. If they were getting it on, I might have actually stayed with it.

The whole problem though was that all of this was so contrived and you could clearly see that it was scripted and that they were acting. It was like one of those backstage skits on WWE Raw where the wrestlers behave like no one actually does in really life, meanwhile they are oblivious to the fact that there is a big camera right there broadcasting everything they say to millions. Also, the episode of Good Times where Thelma was going to marry Larry the mechanic was on, and I wasn't about to miss that. So yeah, I gave up on The Surreal Life after about five minutes. However, I do plan to try to catch it again and stick with it, just so I can see what these young tramps are up to now. Stay tuned.

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