Results from last night's TNA Victory Road pay-per-view show in Houston, TX:
- Alex Shelley won the 12 Man Elimination X Cup Match. Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun match that went about a half hour. Great opener.
- Gail Kim beat Angelina Love. Good match, but honestly the best part was the Beautiful People's ring entrance. Is there anything funnier then when Angelina points to her bum and says "here it is, boys"? As for Velvet Sky, when she puts on her jeans, they fit. Amazing.
- Sonjay Dutt beat Black Machismo. Kinda lame. The love triangle continues.
- LAX beat Beer Money. Twelve fans were around the ring and whipped Storm and Roode whenever they went to the floor. Decent match.
- Taylor Wilde beat Awesome Kong to retain the Knockouts Title. Good match. Afterwards, Abyss saved Taylor from a post-match attack.
- Volador Jr. won the Ultimate X Match. Good match with some dangerous spots including Kaz doing a legdrop off the top of one of the structures. This victory gave Team Mexico the victory in the tournament.
- Kurt Angle and Team 3D beat Christian Cage, Rhino and A.J. Styles when Angle pinned Styles after interference from Frank Trigg. Good match. Trigg cracks me up. It appeared that D-Von hurt his ankle.
- I think the main event ended in a no-contest-- or Booker T is the new TNA Champion. I guess we will find out on Thursday. At the end, Samoa Joe was beating on Booker T and half the city of Houston came out to save him and Joe promptly destroyed them all. Sharmell was in the ring pleading with him to stop. Finally Sting came out and Joe followed him to the back-- but about halfway up the ramp he ran back and returned to beating on Booker. Sting came back and told him to stop. Joe gave him the finger and said "F*** You!". Sting beat up Joe with the bat. Booker covered Joe and Sharmell of all people counted to three and they left with the belt. To be continued on Impact.