Sunday, July 13, 2008

VH-1's Celebreality

I caught the early editions of I Love Money and Brooke Knows Best this morning on VH-1. On "Money", members of the green and gold team battled to try to knock each other off of a giant bed that was suspended over water. How someone didn't die on this challenge, I will never know. The Green Team won, so team captain Destiny sent Nibbles (who Chance hilariously said looked like a coyote last week) packing. In the process, she kept the drama queen tag team of Pumkin and Toastee (who faked a knee injury). The disgusting Mr. Boston got a massage from Megan. Fun show. Looks like some major Heather drama is coming next week. You knew it wouldn't be long.

On the debut of Brooke Knows Best, it was kind of like an old episode of WCW Nitro; the airtime was dominated by Hulk Hogan. The plot of this week's show was that Brooke had so much turmoil in her family that she decided to move out on her own. Wow, how could a teenage girl with no job and a flop CD afford such an expensive apartment overlooking Miami Beach? I'm guessing from all of those shitty WCW pay-per-views that her old man main evented in the 90's that I helped to foot the bill for. That's my house, yamp! The stuff went down in 1997 and I'm still bitter over it. Anyway, it was basically the Hulk Hogan show as we saw him quiz her gay roommate, help her shop at Target and secure the house. I think I'll stay with this show for at least another week.

(Photo from

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