As I've mentioned a couple of times in previous posts, I'm a huge fan of the movie Showgirls (if you've never seen the 10th Anniversary version with audio commentary, it will have you rolling on the floor). One of the stars of the movie was actress Rena Riffel, who played the role of "Penny"/"Hope". Recently she made her own independent film called Trasharella. She was gracious enough to answer the following questions for Hollywood Nation:
1. Can you tell us a little about your movie Trasharella?
I have always wanted to make my own movie. I have been writing scripts and stories for a long time. But, I didn't know how to go about raising money to make them. So, finally I just set out to make a movie and not let anything hold me back from doing it and completing it. I made a very unconventional film and used all my resources to do it. It is about a starlet who becomes a recycling trash bag wearing super hero, Trasharella, in the process of trying to kill the evil Hollywood Vampire (played by the brilliant accordion wizard and vaudevillian comedian, Count Smokula) who destroys starlets. It's a dark comedy, musical, horror, B-movie satire. I tried to make it so bad that it is good. Cuz when I'm good, I'm good.. but when I'm bad, I'm better. A quote from May West. I pay tribute to the bombshells of the past and present, like Marilyn Monroe, Betty Page, May West, Lolita/Sue Lyon, Jane Russell, Pamela Anderson, Anna Nicole Smith, ect. I want to bring back the musicals and the glittering dance numbers of the past.
2. I understand you do some singing in this film. On a scale of William Hung to Mariah Carey, where do you rate yourself?
I have been getting feedback about the songs and once you hear the songs, you go around singing them all day, they get stuck in your head because they are very catchy. There is magic in a voice and some are more likable than others. People have always liked my voice, since I was 7 years old, singing in the church choir. I was signed to Polygram/Mercury Records as a teenager by the famous Ed Eckstine. I would say I rate myself at a Gwen Stefani or a Britney.
3. Former gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey has a role in your movie. Did she talk your ear off about politics during the filming?
No, she is more into having fun and drinking champagne. I think this is Mary Carey's best performance in a film.
4. During your cameo on last season's Celebrity Rehab on VH-1 (while you were visiting Mary), it seemed that Jeff Conaway's spirits picked up when you arrived. Any other interesting stories from that show?
I grew up listening to and watching the movie Grease, so I am a big fan of Jeff Conaway. I was so sad to see him in a wheelchair. He told me he hurt his back while filming the dance number Greased Lightning. But, I think he is an amazing talented actor and I think someone needs to star him in a big movie and get him off the rehab show. When I asked him if he is still acting, he whispered, "of course, that is why I am doing this show".
5. One Showgirls question: Do you think James and your character Penny remained a couple after all these years?
I am actually working on making a follow up movie about Penny and James. But, I bet they had some ups and downs and still both want to be star dancers.. maybe James has his own T-Shirt line by now with the sayings on it like, Life Sucks or something...since he was a student of T-Shirts. But, ya, I think they are still together and they have a child to raise.
6. Any plugs or closing comments?
Trasharella is available on Amazon.com and on Createspace.com. It is truly a gem and the performances in the movie are so funny and amazing. People are loving Trasharella. It is punk rock and raw and homemade. It is sexy and entertaining. It's got these catchy phrases that are now becoming part of an underground culture, people write me and use all th e sayings in the movie. Count Smokula's sayings are so far out and hilarious. Even my Mom is quoting him and Mary and the others. And then when ever you see a trash bag or recycled trash turned into fashion, you will think of Trasharella. I know it sounds crazy, but it's a wild movie.