Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Rock of Love: Charm School

The more this season of Charm School goes on, the more it reminds me of how the girls behaved when I was in third grade. But at least those broads could read. On Sunday's show, Megan absolutely lost her mind and kicked Brandi M. pretty hard in the midsection. Brandi M. must have really wanted to stay on the show badly because she didn't retaliate-- and she looks like she could probably beat up some men. This led to Megan getting the boot (her act was getting tired anyway) and also led to Brandi C. having the most ridiculous crying fit in the history of reality TV as her friend was being cut. They had to convince her not to walk off the show. Her makeup was running and she looked like Ronald McDonald after he fell out of a chimney on a cold December night. Pathetic. And to think that I thought this girl was adorable just weeks ago. Anyway, Megan is now gone, but we still have Lacey and Brandi C. to carry the heel drama side of the show. Fantastic season.

(Photo from vh1.com)

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