Saturday, February 13, 2010

News and Notes

I loved the debut of Survivor: Heroes vs. Villians. I am firmly behind the Heroes. The Villians team has a chance to demolish the Annoying Scale between Boston Rob's accent, Russell talking non-stop and Coach being Coach. I'm hoping James, Cirie, or Amanda wins it. It's gonna be a tough reunion show if one of the forementioned villians takes it... WWE's Vince McMahon announced that he hopes to have the WWE cable TV network off the ground within the next year and a half. Can you even imagine such a thing? Classic footage around the clock? Time to get that work-from-home job... Speaking of wrestling, Impact was decent again. Sure, there are still plotholes you could drive a truck through but they have slowed down the product and are showing more focus. But where the hell is Beer Money? Less old guys and more Storm and Roode is a good thing.

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