Friday, January 30, 2009

Dreadful Impact

That was a wretched edition of TNA Impact last night. The "heel stable takes over the show" gimmick was done ten years ago when the NWO took over Monday Nitro and as I recall, the show was so awful that was the week that Monday Night Raw finally beat them in the ratings for the first time in a year. Nobody learns anything. The "Front Line" group looked inept. Who would pay to see these clowns get revenge? The Booker T/Kevin Nash announce team grew old after the first minute. Was Booker trying to sound like Don West or Junkyard Dog? No Beautiful People? Kurt Angle really beat both members of LAX clean? Really? After they taped this fiasco, the "creative team" should have been fired, and someone should have pulled the plug on the episode and just aired a "Best-of" show. This group is hopeless, until they get rid of the current booking regime. When you factor in the "Shane McMahon beats up the entire roster of Raw" travesty from Monday (I was embarassed for everyone involved), this has been a brutal week of wrestling.

However, hope is on the horizon. According to a report at, Brooke Hogan has signed to wrestle one of Ric Flair's sons (it didn't say which one) at the Florida State Fair. Now that has potential to be damn funny.

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