Monday, January 26, 2009

My Review of The Wrestler

After reading so much about it, I finally got a chance to see the movie The Wrestler on Saturday. I must say that it did live up to the hype. The movie was a real quality project. Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei and Evan Rachel Wood all really played their roles fantastically. Rourke was totally believable as a washed-up wrestler from the 80's. He deserves all of the accolades that he is receiving. The real treat of the movie was Marisa Tomei. Prior to this role, I had never really even given the broad a second thought. However, her portrayal of the aging stripper in this movie was outstanding. She had a couple of nude scenes. In fact, Marisa Tomei's Ass should be given top billing over Rourke on the movie poster. Anyway, I highly recommend this film. You will enjoy this movie if you are a fan of wrestling, if you are a fan of good movies, or if you are a fan of round behinds.

This just in: Now I'm hearing that Mickey Rourke has announced that he will show up at WrestleMania 25 and has challenged Chris Jericho. There goes that Oscar!

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