Monday, January 5, 2009

Rock of Love Bus Season Premiere

Where does VH-1 find these women? Some of the women on Rock of Love Bus were so skanky that they made the women from Flavor of Love look like Princess Diana. Ladies, when you perform an act so vile that even VH-1 won't show it, maybe it's time to re-evaluate your life. Thankfully at the end of the show, Bret eliminated some of the worst offenders and hopefully we will never see them again. You know a show is great when the most sympathetic cast members are a porn star and a Penthouse Pet.

It was quite a night on VH-1 as they also had the Rock of Love: Charm School Reunion, which saw Megan Hauserman show up drunk and in a bikini. She was eventually escorted out after Sharon Osborne poured a drink over her head. What a loser. Plus, no airtime for Brandi C.!

The debut of Confessions of a Teen Idol was outstanding. They took former teen idols, such as two guys from Baywatch, the guy who threw Donna down the stairs on 90210 and Adrian Zmed, put them in a house together and will attempt to revive their careers. At first you want to laugh at them, but by the end, you were routing for them to have a comeback. Plus it was great to see that Eric Nies from The Grind is now a spiritual freak. This one is a keeper.

(Photo from

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