Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Flair Brawl

Ric Flair was apparently involved in some type of altercation over the weekend with his daughter and her 22 year old boyfriend at an apartment complex in North Carolina. Flair came out on the worst end of it with bleeding and bruises. Still, he pressed no charges. I've read several different reports about what happened and they all were different. Some even seemed to indicate that it was his daughter that hit him in the eye. She did get arrested after kicking a police officer and being tased (no word if she yelled out "don't tase me, bro!"). I guess the big question is this: where were the Four Horsement to prevent this? Tully, Arn, Windham: where were you? Luger couldn't even bother to make the save? You guys better get on the ball. This is unacceptable!

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