Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pam vs. Jessica Feud

A couple of weeks ago Jessica Simpson wore a t-shirt that said "Real Women Eat Meat", kind of taking a shot at vegeterian Carrie Underwood, the ex of her boyfriend Tony Romo. Well yesterday animal lover Pamela Anderson called Jessica a "bitch" and a "whore". Such language! I know Jessica can be annoying and dumb, but a bitch? She seems kind of nice. A whore? Is she really out selling it on the streets? It looks like there is only one way to get this resolved: Vince McMahon should step in and get this set up for SummerSlam. And with the sad shape of both of their careers, I'm sure they would jump at the chance to be on a highly rated show. Seriously, like pro wrestling would be beneath these tramps! Pam is hosting parties and Jessica is now better known as Ashlee's less hot sister. This ain't 1995; they would jump at the chance. Vince, come out of your fake coma and get this done!

(Photo from baywatch.com*)

* (Pam doesn't really look like that anymore but this is how we at Hollywood Nation choose to remember her)

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