Monday, April 21, 2008

Rock of Love Reunion

Was it just me or did the Rock of Love Reunion show have the feeling of one of those infomercials that they used to show in the 80's? I felt that at any minute some guy in a sweater was going to come out and try to sell me a blender for three montly payments of fifty bucks. The show just seemed really phony, especially the "fight" between Daisy and Heather. I've seen better women's brawls on Monday night wrestling. At the end it was revealed that Bret and Ambre are dating and are going to try to have a relationship. Yeah, right. There's too much money on the line for this guy to find a woman! If he finds love, the money train stops. Well, unless they take the route of showing their courtship, wedding, pregnancy, eventual divorce, and Bret back in the dating arena for Rock of Love 3. I think I just gave VH-1 three years of programming.

(Photo from

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