Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Divas on Project Runway

This was the first time that I have ever seen the show Project Runway (on the Bravo Network). Not the most masculine of shows. I've actually been to a Madonna concert and seen a guy wearing a white sailor suit in the audience; this show was just slightly less gay than that experience. But, I would sit through a Full House marathon if it had appearances from the WWE Divas.
The show centered around a challenge where the contestants had to design outfits for the Divas. Representing this great sport were Maria, Kristal Marshall, Torrie Wilson, Layla, Candice Michelle and Michelle McCool's booty. It was a decent show. Some of the designers fawned over the girls and enjoyed designing the outfits, while others were catty and questioned the Divas' taste in clothes. Candice and her designer pretty much hated each other, leading to a hilarious moment towards the end of the show where Candice buried her and basically threw her under the bus in front of the judges.

In the end, Maria's leopard outfit (second picture) won the challenge; the guy who designed Layla's outfit was sent packing. The big revelation: who knew Michelle McCool (above) had back?

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