Saturday, April 21, 2007

And What Ya Gonna Do When BaldwinMania Goes Wild On YOU?

Did you hear that telephone rant that Alec Baldwin left for his eleven year old daughter? I saw it halfway through on TV and I thought he was cutting an old school wrestling interview. By the time he got to the line "you better be ready, Friday the 20th, to meet me" I was wondering how much the ticket prices were going to be. The rant would have been fine if he was vowing revenge on an ex-tag team partner or something, but I just couldn't believe he said all of that to an eleven year old girl. Your boy is off the chain. How is he ever going to go on Saturday Night Live again after this?

A lot of people are putting the blame on his ex-wife Kim Basinger for making the tape public. But you can't blame her-- after all, she was in Batman. And I like Batman. And even though she knew that Bruce Wayne was Batman, she didn't reveal it to anyone. So she can't be all bad.

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