Thursday, April 12, 2007

American Idol Results

That sure was nice of the Fox network to donate all of that money to the American Idol charity last night-- then extend the show an extra half hour to generate more ad revenue. Very clever. Well, the rat guy stayed and Haley left. She probably stayed about three more weeks than she should have anyway. It was for the best, because if she had stayed any more time, the only thing left would have been to wear sheer lingerie and hooker boots. At least she gets to keep some dignity this way. See ya in Penthouse, toots! I don't even have words for that J-Lo segment. I think the performance may have harmed sales more than they helped. What I wouldn't give to hear a five minute conversation between Paula and J-Lo. I'm sure that would be stimulating intellectual fare.

I was sorry to hear about the passing of actor Roscoe Lee Brown, who died yesterday at the age of 81. The Emmy award winning actor had numerous roles over the years in movies, TV and in plays. I'll always remember him for the role of "The Happiness Man" Reverend Sam in a memorable episode of Good Times and an appearance on the Cosby Show where he and Cliff Huxtable teamed up in a card game to beat Cliff's Dad and his friend, then got to humiliate them by rubbing their heads.

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