Tuesday, March 6, 2007

This Ain't Exactly The March on Washington

According to several reports, there will be a protest against American Idol tonight outside of the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles. They are protesting the fact that Antonella Barba (above) got to stay on the show when racy photos of her rolling around in a World War II fountain appeared, but former contestant Frenchie Davis was booted a couple of years ago when photos of her from a porn site surfaced (Frenchie is black and Antonella I believe is 1/3 Italian, 1/3 white, and 1/3 New Jersey Skank). The protest is being led by the same guy who organized a protest against Eddie Murphy's film Norbit, because he said it contained a negative portrayal of black women. What a rousing success that was as Norbit went on to become the number one movie in America two weeks in a row (although it surely sucked). Glad to see that more pressing issues such as unemployment, education, homelessness and Jermaine Jackson's unexplainable hair have been pushed aside so that we can concentrate on the important matters at hand-- like protesting a karaoke contest. Good work!

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