Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling

Even though I had a busy weekend of criss-crossing the midwest catching Madonna concerts and seeing Kurt Angle wrestling, I was still able to catch some reality TV. Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling got even better in the second week. It started off with the two teams talking trash after last week's match. It was mainly Danny Bonaduce and Hollywood Nation's favorite MILF Erin Murphy going at it. Poor Erin was in tears by the end of the exchange (and not for the last time during the show). Not surprising that Danny was a jerk, but one thing that shocked me during the show was that Screech actually came off as a cool guy. Anyone who saw him on Celebrity Fit Club would know that was seemingly impossible, but it really happened.

Anyway, this week the contestants had to jump off of a high platform onto a crash pad. Some were reluctant put they all did it-- except for Frank Stallone, a man after my own heart. No way would I have done that. After that, the teams learned three more moves. Erin struggled to learn the moves and was in tears again. Luckily, unlike baseball, there IS crying in wrestling. I saw Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels do it. Also, during the practing session, Dennis Rodman hurt his arm, Danny Bonaduce skipped out to do his radio show, and Trishelle looked hot in her little wrestling outfit.

In the end, the two teams had their matches. This week Team Beefcake won, which put Erin and Stallone as the two contestants in jeopardy of being cut. Thankfully it was Stallone that was sent packing, thus leaving all the hot broads still on the show. More wackiness next week!

(Photo from cmt.com)

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