Monday, March 10, 2008

They're Back!

America's favorite family of big bootied hoochies is back! Keeping Up With The Kardashians began season number two last night on the E! Network. The show focused on Kim, who said she was really happy with this time in her life, with her career going well and dating Reggie Bush of the Saints. I imagine that clown is pretty happy too. The show's contrived plot involved Kim getting a big head because of her success then realizing the error of her ways be the end of the half hour. It was good but I liked it better when Marcia went through the same thing on the Brady Bunch about thirty years ago. The other plot involved one of the sisters thinking that her boyfriend was cheating on her. At the end, all of the girls had a sit down dinner with him and she took him back. Then the largest sister confronted him alone and said that if he ever hurt her sister again, she would cut his balls off. At that point, I would have given a week's pay to see him slap the shit out of her and say "look you arrogant bitch-- the only reason anyone even remotely knows who you are is because 1) your sister has a big ass and 2) because there's nothing else good on in this time slot." But alas, no fairy tale ending this week. Still, I love this show.

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