Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Big Day

Britney Spears' new CD Blackout hits finer retailers today. I listened to it earlier this morning on MTV's The Leak, and it's not as bad as I figured. Granted, I only listened to about 20 seconds of each song (I don't have all day), but I think I had a good grasp of where the songs were going. I'd say there are about four good songs. Basically, if you liked her previous CDs, you'll like this one. It will be interesting to see how it does on the charts, especially after her spectacular, groundbreaking publicity campaign, which consisted of a shitty performance at the MTV Awards and bad parenting. I'm guessing the thing will go gold.

It was reported that Britney was seen this weekend partying with Dallas Cowboys QB Tony Romo, including giving him a lap dance (honest to God, is there a bigger tramp in all of the entertainment business? Could you have even imagined this during the "Hit Me Baby One More Time" days?). Tony, the Cowboys are 6-1; you can do better than that! You could probably get one of these movie star broads or even one of those yamps from Heroes. Britney is no longer on the A-list-- she should be rolling around with someone on the Dolphins or the Rams, not a 6 and 1 team! And speaking of which, please let her start dating someone from the 49ers the week before the Rams play them; let us have at least one win.

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