Monday, September 17, 2007

Rock of Love

The best show on TV is winding up the season, so it was time to finally get rid of the main villian, which the is what the whole season was leading up to. Alas, it was Lacey's turn to go. And much like Flavor of Love, the lead villian had a parent who was even crazier than her. Lacey's father, like New York's mother from Flavor of Love, was off the chain. He was creepy (he was leering at Heather), delusional (saying Bret Michaels would need to sign a pre-nup-- like anyone had talked about getting married), and just an all around loud mouth. We finally got to see Lacey and Heather have a blow-up, leading to Heather dropping the classic line "your daughter is a slut" in front of Lacey's parents. You aren't going to see this kind of thing on The Discovery Channel. Anyway, Lacey was finally sent her walking papers, leaving Heather and Jes to battle it out in the finale. The smart money is on the organ grinder.

1 comment:

Smokin Soccer Mom said...

Finally Lacey was kicked out! I can't believe she was actually surprised, especially after her father basically insulted Brett over 50X in 2 days! Good finally won over evil..or at least the stripper beat out the sloppy drunk. There is a higher power in the skank universe! My favorite line from this episode was from Heather..."I saw you s&*k his c%^k! Classic.