Monday, February 23, 2009

The Oscars

I usually don't watch the Oscars because the show is too long, it always has a cheesy musical number, and I hate seeing the same "Oscar's Greatest Moments!" montage every year (Halle Berry crying, Jack Palance doing push-ups and that dipshit climbing over the seats to get his Best Actor award). But since this year's awards had influence over current wrestling storylines, I decided to tune in. And The Wrestler was promptly shut out! Marisa Tomei got beat for Best Supporting Actress by some broad that didn't even speak English in her movie and then Mickey Rourke got beat for Best Actor by "Spicolli" from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. It's a damn shame. At least Marisa did win for Best Oscar Nominated Nudity in Mr. Skin's yearly awards, so that's a nice consolation prize.

(Photo available at

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