Sunday, December 7, 2008

Celebrity Championship Wrestling Season Finale

I hate to see it go, but this week was the season finale of Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling. After the training session, they actually had three matches this week. It was good to see the return of "M.O.M." Erin Murphy, Trishelle and The Candygirl but that was quickly dampened by the sight of Frank Stallone in drag. In the semi-final match, Dennis Rodman, Butterbean, Screech and Mr. Not So Perfect had a tag team match. From that match the judges picked Rodman and MNSP to have a match to decide the winner. In the end, it was Dennis Rodman, who has actually had about four high-profile matches in the past, who was declared the winner of the show.

I hope they bring this show back for a second season because it was something fun to look forward to each week. Rumors also persist that they might take the show on the road for a tour of live shows. I would surely check that out.

(Photo from

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