Sunday, November 23, 2008

Celebrity Championship Wrestling

It was a wild week on Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling. First of all, for some reason, they let Danny Bonaduce come back even though he got cut last week. Screech took exception to it and they let them settle their feud in a scripted, pre-determined "hardcore" wrestling match. Insanity. Goldberg made a brief appearance this week also. I loved the part where Danny Bonaduce hit him with a trash can, Goldberg didn't move, then said "now hit me like a man". He was so great during his "streak" storyline in WCW and I miss seeing him in wrestling. Too bad WWE has shitheads running the ship and TNA would have him in climbing matches, because he could have a great last run in either league if they could get themselves together. But hey, what company these days wants to make money? The part of the show that I had a problem with was when the group practiced how to hit each other with chairs. The last remaining female, Trishelle (above), got hit hard in the back with a chairshot from Brian Knobbs of the Nasty Boys. I could not believe that they did it. Why would they strike a 100 pound woman with a steel chair right in the back? How about using some common sense? It was absurd (plus, if you just had to hit a woman with a steel chair, shouldn't they have chosen someone more deserving like Sarah Palin?). Anyway, she rightfully went directly to the medical staff and was hesitant to participate in some of the drills when she returned. In the end, the judges said that she "didn't give 100%" which led to her being cut this week. It was ridiculous. She seemed happy to leave though. Oh well. See ya on the next Real World/Road Rules Challenge, kid. Of course, now all the eye candy is gone and we're now stuck looking at a bunch of goofy guys. Do these people want ratings or what? Next week: more contrived madness!

(Photo from

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