Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hollywood: Nationwide and Coast To Coast

I've gone nationwide, folks. Guess who has a cameo appearance on the new TNA Lockdown 2007 DVD? That's right-- me! I'm now an international superstar. In the Bonus section of the DVD they have footage of the TNA Fanfest from April. About five minutes in, there is a clip of TNA backstage interviewer Leticia Cline (who will be on the cover of next month's Playboy Girls Next Door newsstand special, available at finer bookstores and Korean owned convenience stores near you) holding up a picture of me and her and saying we make a cute couple. Then you catch me on camera giggling. It's quite a humiliating debut. Besides myself, the DVD also features other superstars such as Sting, Kurt Angle, and Scott Steiner. But let's face facts: it's my appearance that is drawing the majority of the sales. I don't have the official stats right in front of me, but I think more women bought this DVD than any other release in the history of their company. TNA Wrestling: you're welcome.

Yeah-- she wishes!

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