Friday, May 29, 2009
Mr. Kennedy Gone!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tonight On Impact

Tonight's Impact features the fall-out from last Sunday's pay-per-view show:
- Sting makes some changes in the Main Event Mafia
- The debut of Victoria/Lisa Marie Varon
- The return of Shane Douglas and RAVEN!
That's tonight on Spike TV, 8PM CST /9PM EST
(Photo from tnawrestling.com)
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What a wretched skit. Vince McMahon had a personal vendetta because an arena got double booked and again the wrestling fans had to pay the price. It was typical WWE "comedy"-- meaning not funny in any way. Sad that they had a week to put something together and this was the best they could do. With all of the attention put on the skit, the rest of the show fell apart as well. Brutal show. Only bright spot was Jim Ross announcing. Please bring him back to Mondays.
Monday, May 25, 2009
New Spin Cycle
Happy Memorial Day. Sit back and enjoy an all-Knockouts edition of the TNA Spin Cycle with Sharmell, Jenna, Daffney and So Cal Val:
Friday, May 22, 2009
Spin Cycle
An all-new edition of the TNA Spin Cycle with A.J. Styles, Lauren, Matt Morgan and Don West:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
American Idol

I caught the big American Idol finale last night and enjoyed it for the most part. I thought it was a major upset with Kris winning over Adam, but I didn't really care because I had no emotional attachment to either of them. Kris was a little boring to me and Adam was a bit too theatrical to me. I did like the guest performances though. I thought KISS was great. Hard to tell who had on more makeup between Gene Simmons and Adam. Carlos Santana was good as well. The funniest part of the evening was the showdown between Bikini Girl and Judge Kara. BG didn't waste any time in getting implants (probably coming to a gentlemen's club near you soon). I haven't seen that much dignity left on the stage since Vince McMahon sang "Stand Back" on the Slammy Awards in 1988. Anyway, I'm glad this thing is over so I can reclaim my life.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
American Idol

How great was Ric Flair on Monday? The segment where he tapped Big Show on the shoulder, passsed the chair to John Cena, and cleared the ring of Legacy was wonderful. He was in great shape too. With that said, I still don't want to see him back in the ring but this kind of involvement is fine. Can't wait for next week's "fight" with Randy Orton (wherever Raw is held).
Monday, May 18, 2009
WWE Backlash Results

Results from last night's WWE Backlash PPV in Chicago:
- Umaga beat C.M. Punk, thus continuing to prove the WWE rule that you must lose in your hometown
- Christian beat Jack Swagger to retain the ECW Title
- John Morrison beat Shelton Benjamin
- Rey Mysterio beat Chris Jericho to retain the I-C Title
- Batista beat Randy Orton by DQ, Ric Flair returned to save Batista from a beating
- John Cena beat The Big Show
- Edge beat Jeff Hardy to retain the Smackdown title
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Lashley Wins

* (Obviously that is not Bobby Lashley pictured above, but instead his girlfriend, former WWE Diva Kristal Marshall, who is much more pleasing to the eye).
(Photo from mykristalonline.com)
Friday, May 15, 2009
Here is the trailer for the movie Precious. This looks deep. Mo'nique seems to really deliver in a dramatic role and even Mariah comes across well. I'll be sure to check this out. I'm depressed already!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
American Idol

After all this time it finally comes down to Adam and Kris next week. That surprises me because I didn't even notice Kris until about two weeks ago. I'm putting my fictional money on Adam. It was a fun show last night with the hometown visits and eye candy galore with Alicia Keys, Jordan Sparks (all grown up!) and Katy Perry. I'm looking forward to next week's finale and putting this season behind us.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Celebrity Apprentice

(Photo from nbc.com)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Daisy Of Love

A couple of days ago in real life, Poor Daisy was hospitalized for "exhaustion" (likely a code word for something else), but apparently she is fine now. Slow down, baby. Anyway, back to the fictional world of reality TV, Daisy of Love continues to chug along. Somehow last week I missed that my favorite character "Weasel" was cut. That's a damn shame. Rock dudes who are stuck in the 80's are funny as hell. On this week's extravaganza, it was week three of the show so like clockwork on every other VH-1 reality show, it was time for the token black cast member to get booted. I'm not sure who she is going to pick out of this creepy group that is left, but I am going out on a limb and going for a surprise ending of Rikki Rachtman throwing his hat in the ring in the final episode and asking the broad out. He follows her around like a sick puppy dog anyway, so he might as well. In the meantime, I'm looking forward to more tattling and whining on next week's show.
(Photo from vh1.com)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Jim Ross Dancing
I ran across this on You Tube and I was howling. It only gets funnier with each viewing:
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
American Idol

Allison was sent home last night on American Idol, which was no big surprise considering that she had landed in the bottom two so many times in the past. However I do think she might be one of the contestants that does have success in the future. This leaves the three guys as the final three and I'm pretty sure Adam is going to take this. The big story of the night (for me anyway) was the return of Paula Abdul to the stage. She's back! Sure it had trainwreck potential but I thought she pulled it off nicely. The song had a Britney/T-Pain type of vibe to it and the performance itself was good. It was like 1990 all over again. Good job! Next thing you know, C&C Music Factory will be trying to stage a comeback.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dancing With The Stars

I've been following most of Dancing with the Stars this season (although I usually tune out when 24 comes on). However last night my last remaining favorite, Lil Kim, got voted off, which leaves four people left that I've never heard of. Well, I'm out! Let me know who wins (like it matters now).
(Photo from abc.com)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I Love Money Finale

Congratulations to Myammee (above) for winning this season of I Love Money (and for wearing those great outfits during the elimination ceremonies). If Prancer or that fool It had won, I don't think I would have been able to sleep. Good job!
(Photo from vh1.com)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Celebrity Apprentice
Celebrity Apprentice has been really good this season and I almost hate to see the season wrap up, but we are down to the final two. Clint Black and his creepy smile were finally cut when he lost the songwritten challenge to the Evil Poker Lady. Of the final four, I wanted Jesse James and Brande Roderick (above) to stay, but of course they cut got. Still, next week's finale will be good with Joan Rivers vs. Annie Duke. I have to go with Joan since, amazingly, she's the less annoying of the two. Can't wait to see Andrew Dice Clay, Dennis Rodman and the rest of the gang return.
TNA Impact Bonus Match
Bonus action from TNA Impact: It's Velvet Sky of the Beautiful People vs. ODB!
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