Monday, September 15, 2008

TNA Impact Video Game-- FOUND!

On Saturday, my search for the TNA Impact video game finally ended at a place called Game Crazy. The store lived up to its name because there were lots of games and lots of crazy kids. I'm not really a gamer; the last game I bought was Raw vs. Smackdown 2007. I think I have about five games total. Anyway, after taking 45 minutes to remember how to set the game system up, I finally played the game on Saturday night. I picked Sting and had a match against Booker T. The graphics are excellent and the game play is simple, which is good for someone like me. As is tradition, I lost the first game that I played. I also lost the second one, which was a very competitive Ultimate X match where I was James Storm and lost to Chris Sabin. I now have a grudge against Chris Sabin in real life also. I actually stopped the game to read the instruction book during that one. I care. I don't even have a memory card so I won't be exploring the story mode, locked characters, etc. Hey, I have a job AND I have to run Hollywood Nation for Pete's sake. In closing, I enjoyed the game, I give it the Hollywood Nation recommendation, and I am looking forward to playing it again.

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