Episode three of the Keeping Up With The Kardashians-- can they keep the streak alive? The plot of this episode centered around the owner of Girls Gone Wild calling from jail to ask if the three oldest Kardashian girls could participate in an ad campaign for his new swimwear line. As a rule, nothing good can come from dealing with the guy from Girls Gone Wild. They agreed to the shoot but decided not to tell Bruce Jenner because he might object. He apparently was still pissed about the infamous sex tape. So the broads and their mother jetted off to the shoot, leaving Bruce with the two youngest girls. At some point the brother showed up and spilled the beans about the shoot, saying it was for Girls Gone Wild. So Plastic Man went off to the shoot, leaving the son with the two kids. In the first really contrived part of the series, Bruce showed up and interrupted the shoot, saying he was upset that he wasn't told. But they went on with the shoot. You could tell this part was all a set-up. The show started resembling Hogan Knows Best. Eventually the wife offered to help him take a shower. I think I'm going to be sick. Anyway, they all got home (with the son wearing the same clothes he was wearing "a few days ago"-- revealing that this bullshit was all probably taped in the same day) and all was right with the world. A step down from last week, but the previews for next week look promising.
Dear Kardashions,
My name is Dina I am 25 years old from Iraq. I wached your show and i loved it, all of you are smart, beautiful, hot and wonderful.
My family like yours, we are 4 sisters and one brother but i lost my father in Iraq by the terorrist.
I hope you all to stay as a family for ever and seccesful like always.
men,i know that its imposible 4 me to get kim kardashians but damnn she the bom!!shes hot and sexy!!with all do respect!!hope cloi can get true with her marriage!!i love you guys!!muah!!!
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