Last night was Total Nonstop Action Wrestling's alleged biggest show of the year, Bound For Glory, live from Atlanta, Ga. It was a good show overall with a couple of standouts. In the main event, Sting beat Kurt Angle for the World Title in a very good match. At one point, I thought Kurt Angle had killed Sting after Angle did a 450 splash and appeared to land knees first on Sting. Brutal. Other notes:
- The Ultimate X match opened the show and it was good. LAX beat XXX. Too many damn "X"s. In the end, I was just happy that nobody died.
- My favorite match of the night was Samoa Joe vs. Christian Cage. The crowd was really into it. Joe handed Cage his first submission loss since he came to TNA. Jay Lethal beat Christopher Daniels in another really good match.

- Props to Gail Kim (above), the first TNA Knockouts Women's Champion. She won the 10 woman battle royal to win the match, where everyone put in a good effort. The storyline continues to be that everyone is scared of the 300 pound Awesome Kong. She DESTROYED poor little Christy Hemme. I just hope she wasn't hurt legit. The debuting Shelly Martinez looked phenominal. About three ladies ganged up on Kong to throw her out, who in the process had a wardrobe malfunction and lost her top for about one second. My life flashed before my eyes. Why couldn't this have happened to any of the other contestants?
- The other matches were good, including The Steiners beating Team 3-D in a tables match, Abyss winning the Monsters Ball, and AJ Styles and Tomko beating Team Pacman (with a new member) for the tag belts. Hopefully this was the last of Pacman Jones.
- Good show from TNA. See what happens when they let the
wrestling take center stage?
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