Thursday, May 8, 2008

American Idol Results

Finally, about five weeks too late, Jason Castro was sent packing. And he wore the "I don't give a shit" face to the very end. I had to laugh during his wrap-up segment when they showed him right next to the guy in the fur coat, as I had suggested yesterday. Very fitting. We will miss him. Well, not really.

Also, last night's show would have obviously fit neatly into a half hour but instead they rolled out another half hour of pure nonsense filler. I don't think I can stand another segment of questions from the viewers. Has David Archuletta ever said anything even remotely funny, entertaining or memorable? He has to be the most boring contestant in the history of the show. I wonder if his father is going to have a fit in the audience when David Cook beats him? I guess we'll find out in two weeks (unless Syesha can eek out a victory and "spoil" the big showdown).

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