Monday, March 19, 2007

Weekend Wrap-Up

It has been reported that Bobby Brown is shopping around a reality show where skan, er, women would compete to be his girlfriend. He reportedly said he would do such things as have the girls cook for him while walking around in bikinis. This concept has the possibility-- the possibility-- of being the greatest show of all-time. For real, they could program this against the last episode of The Sopranos and the Rams vs. the Patriots and I would still watch it.

I watched the 60 Minutes profile on Simon Cowell. They said this clown makes something like 30 million dollars a year for acting like a complete shithead every Tuesday on Fox. He should come out dressed in all black and wearing a ski mask every week. They also revealed a fact that not too many people know (I did!): that he got his start by being an executive producer on WrestleMania: The Album. I'm sure he would have liked if that had been hidden forever. Of all the wrestling albums (and unfortunately there are several) this is the one that I am most embarassed to own. I have it hidden under my Carmen Electra rap CD for Pete's sake. You haven't lived until you've heard Hacksaw Duggan's "U.S.A." or Macho Man Savage's "Speaking from the Heart" ("I am your friend, I am the Macho Man Randy Savage"-- sadly, that was from memory). I remember hearing Bret Hart's ballad "Never Been A Right Time To Say Goodbye" and I wanted to throw myself in front of a truck. All of a sudden Sanjaya and Fountain Girl don't seem so bad.

My favorite group, The Roots, are in town this week but I don't think I'll be going. I've seen them about four times over the past few years though so I kind of know the drill. The last time I went, which was at The Pageant also, it was phenominal. I tried to do a review of the concert afterwards and I couldn't even do it because there was absolutely zero that was funny; it was all business. There's just not much humor in brothers going for delf on "The Seed 2.0" and "Silent Treatment". So far, the summer concert lineup isn't looking too good. I thought about seeing The Police, but they are overpriced. Christina and those tramps The Pussycat Dolls skipped St. Louis. I think John Mayer is coming to Riverport (or whatever it's called this week) and there is about no chance I'm going to see that. Or anything at Riverport for that matter. I can't imagine going to see Sanjaya and the American Idols this year either. Maybe The Go-Gos or Men At Work can show up and salvage the summer.

Back with Idol talk, Dancing with the Stars, WrestleMania hype and more later this week.

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