And speaking of ass, glad to see Brooke Adams (formerly of WWE/ECW) return to wrestling on Impact on Monday in the role of Eric Bischoff's secretary. At least this should make his eight segments each show more bearable.
Not that anyone saw her debut, as Impact did a dismal 0.6 in the ratings on Monday. That's about roughly half of what they had been doing before the Hogan/Bischoff era. Time to move back to Thursday and GET NEW WRITERS... I enjoyed this week's Dancing with the Stars, but hated to see Brenda of 90210 get the boot. That's just bad karma coming back on her. Should have been Buzz Aldrin or that bitchy reality mom. Maybe next week... American Idol was predictably wretched. The middle of the show was like a Murder's Row of bad singers. That summer tour is gonna be the joke of the summer.