Wednesday, January 14, 2009

American Idol Season Premiere

I know at some point I vowed to never watch this show again, but I'm back on board for another season of American Idol. The season premiere was last night and they had tryouts from Arizona. They've added a new judge this year; some broad who might be even more annoying than Paula Abdul. She thinks she's great because she wrote some songs. Hey baby, I wrote a song when I was four years old. Was it a hit? No, but I had bad distribution and bad marketing. Anyway, it was a decent show. The show was built around some girl auditioning in a bikini. It was enough to get her to Hollywood. I expect there will be a lot of copycat swimsuit auditions next year. Which might not be all bad. They ended the show with a blind guy who sang pretty well. It's gonna be tough to beat that guy. More auditions tonight!

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