Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Pam: Girl On The Loose

It was only a matter of time before Pamela Anderson got in on the reality TV show craze. After all, if the daughter of Hulk Hogan can draw a rating, then we can't she? It was actually a decent show and she was less annoying than I thought she would be. She's 40 and still looking good. Most of the show was focused around meeting her family and showing her preparing to move to a new house. She wanted to get rid of some things before the move so she had an estate sale. A bunch of geeks showed up. If I was anywhere nearby, I would have been one of them. I would have been looking for videotapes and old bicyle seats from the Baywatch-era. They also showed her getting naked at a photo shoot, which should surprise about no one. I would expect a naked photo shoot to be a staple of each episode. I will probably catch this show again. In the meantime, they can get rid of the artsy filming and editing and just show the damn footage. This show's regular time slot is Sunday's at 9PM CST on the E! Network.

I also caught a bit of the new Celebreality shows on VH-1's Monday night lineup. The I Want To Work for Diddy show was better than I thought. It would be even more enjoyable if he wasn't such an overbearing prick. Also making its debut was New York Goes To Hollywood, featuring the quest of the former Flavor of Love contestant to land on someone's casting couch. I surprisingly enjoyed this one too. And thankfully, they left her mother off of this one. I only caught a bit of the new Luther Campbell show but it seemed like your typical contrived reality show about a famous guy trying to cope with his family. Seems like since the success of Flavor Flav, VH-1 is trying to give every late 80's/early 90's rapper a show. Can't wait for the new shows about Heavy D., Young M.C., and Monie Love.

(Photo from eonline.com)

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