Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Dinner With Angelina Love

In addition to the autographs, photos, matches, and vendors at the NWA Legends Fanfest weekend, there is also a Hall of Heroes award ceremony which is proceeded by a dinner. One of the wrestlers is seated at each table, but you don't know who it is going to be until you get there. So as I made my way into the ballroom and went down the buffet line (with Michael Hayes about two people behind me), I was worried that I might get seated with one of the wrestlers who I didn't know much about. I had table number 24. I was looking around for it like a kid looking for a lunchtable on the first day of junior high. Finally, I saw it right next to the stage. There were three people seated at the table: two guys on the right and left side of the table and right in the middle was a blonde woman. It was Angelina Love of The Beautiful People from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. I took the seat that was directly across from her.

For the record, she was a very nice lady. Very striking. I didn't eat much because I didn't want to spill anything or knock over a drink and humiliate myself in front of her. It was quiet at first, but I tried to get the conversation going by asking questions, like if she was in the new TNA Video Game (no) and if the Knockouts would get their own show on Spike (it's just in the talking stages). I asked her about Billy Gunn joining the BP's as their fashion consultant and joked if he had come up with the ensemble that she was wearing tonight. She kind of laughed, kinda put it over. I was thrilled. Speaking of the outfit, she had a jacket over a short dress and when she left the table you could almost hear an audible gasp from us as we all watched her walk away.

In between bites and chatting, she was also texting a lot. I think it was mostly with Velvet Sky, who was a few tables away. I asked if she could text Sting to ask about his behavior lately on Impact. I crack me up. Eventually Velvet came over to the table and chatted with her. Her man, The Hurricane, was also seen lurking in the area. He was really friendly with everyone who came up and chatted.

We eventually were joined by a guy from Canada and his friend (who sat next to me). We started chatting and he asked me where I was from. He said that the only person he knew from St. Louis was Fred Sanford of Sanford and Son. I was cracking up. His favorite episode was the one where a guy stole all of the copper out of their house. He was saying all of this in a Canadian accent too. It was hilarious. We were also joined at the table by a guy who called himself "Tater" (wouldn't it be funny if his real name was "Potato").

Anyhow, we had a fun time, the food was decent, the people at the table were cool, we took a picture and it was a good evening. I learned the following about Angelina Love: she's very personable, kinda funny and texts a lot. And she made it the entire evening without putting a paper bag over anyone's head.

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