Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl Follow-Up

I haven't watched this much Sports Center and listened to so much talk radio since the Greatest Show on Turf Era. It is so good to see the Patriots finally get theirs. I have been hyped and listening to Tim Dog records all day. I think I may have enjoyed this more than when the Rams won the Super Bowl. This has consumed so much of my time that I forgot about a few tidbits, such as:

- Did you catch Paula Abdul's pre-game performance? I missed it too but I caught it online.

Since it was taped in advance last week, I didn't even see the point. It was obviously lip-synched, but other than that, it really wasn't that bad. And unlike Britney, she was representing with the dance steps. Unbelievably, the crazy bitch has still got it! It felt like '89 again.

- Jordin Sparks did a good job with the national anthem. It looks like she has lost some weight and she was looking pretty damn hawt. Yeah, I'm probably old enough to be her great-grandfather, but still....

- Tom Petty? Oh man, there's a time and a place for everything, but not the SuperBowl halftime show! That was soooo dry. What happened to the days of Aerosmith, Nelly and Britney in her prime all on the stage at the same time? Oh yeah, Janet's boob ruined everything. Can't wait to see next year's safe choice. Manilow? Streisand? Hulk Hogan's daughter?

- The commercials were pretty lame for the most part. Some companies wasted a lot of big money. I don't even remember a lot of them. I was so nervous that the Giants were going to blow the game that I could barely pay attention. I remember the Danika Patrick tease ad, but who is so horny and stupid that they would actually stop watching the Super Bowl to go to a website that Danika Patrick is obviously not going to get undressed at?

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