Tuesday, August 7, 2007

VH-1 Weekend Wrap-Up

It was another stellar week. Rock of Love solidified itself as the best show currently on TV. Among this week's highlights: Circus Boobs showed a complete lack of musical ability by not being able to play the tambourine (but still is a frontrunner), there may or may not have been a foursome in the house, the heavily tattooed girl was revealed to possibly have morals, Rodeo turned out not only to be nuts and a crier, but she had hideous alien-like veins on her forehead when she cried. When it was all said and done, Rodeo was sent packing along with the loveable but trampy Meth Girl.

On Hogan Knows Best, it was the "Let's Do A Makeover" episode were they try new clothes on Hulk Hogan. I could have sworn they have already done this at least twice. The lowlight was Brooke exclaiming "I saw it! I saw my Dad's weiner!" Somebody actually got paid to write that. I believe that was the first use of the word "weiner" since a 1976 episode of Happy Days.

The Scott Baio show keeps rolling along also until the inevitable proposal at the end of the season. More ex-girlfriend and temptation nonsense this week. He also met his fiance's teenage daughter, who he will probably be trying to hit on in a few years.

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